Saturday, July 31, 2010

Just waiting for life- oh wait....

I feel like I am sitting around, just waiting for life to happen. I am waiting for job offers, visas, paperwork, housing, friends to come back, people to see, weddings to attend, families to visit.... and then it hits me:

We are supposed to be living right now. NOT in the future, and not until life gets a little bit better. Life is perfect, as is.

This is just a little self-reminder that things are WONDERFUL - right now.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

An Honest Thought...

I am sitting at a computer in the library trying to read 2 scientific articles in regards to my marine invertebrate laboratory that I work in.

The reading is not going well.

Being back in Orange County has flipped my world upside down. Not in a bad way, not in a good way. I just realize how much my priorities have changed. I am completely lost - just and wondering what my next step should be. Sometimes I get caught up in our societies 'meaning for success', and then I take a step back and realize what I learned throughout the past year.

Enjoy every day. Be thankful. It's pretty simple.

It can be a day at the park, getting ice cream with kids, eating dinner with friends, taking naps on a picnic blanket, romping around tulip gardens, reading a good book, taking a bike ride, enjoying a good conversation on the patio while sipping wine, laying by a pool, Skyping with friends, visiting friends on the other side of the world, eating watermelon, taking pictures, giving good hugs, talking with family, listening to travel stories, taking a road trip through France, listening to great music, or just remembering fond memories.

 I wont forget the people who made a difference in my life.I miss my friends dearly who are still living in Europe, and for all my friends who live back East.

It kills me inside to hear people say "try not to think about the past, just look into the future". That is complete shit. The happy memories that I have with the greatest people in the world are what keeps me going. It is what keeps me motivated to continue to travel, try new things, and meet new people - because I would have never moved without the support of my family, high school, and college friends; and I would have never stayed in Europe without the acceptance and love of my European friends and host family.

Visiting with my friends who still live in Orange is the only thing that is keeping me in the area. Having the comfort of seeing familiar faces is so refreshing and heart warming. For those of you who are here, supporting my transition back to California, thank you. You don't know how much it means to me.

TO SUM IT UP: it doesn't matter how many possessions I have or what job I am working. It comes down to being so very happy to have the greatest friendships in the whole world, even if we are 2,000 or 3,000, or 6,000  miles away - just know you are greatly appreciated.