Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Mini - Update

You know how I feel about numbering things... so here I go ; )

1) Happy February to everyone!!! Spring is just around the corner! I cant wait for the snow to melt, the rain to stop, and little flowers to emerge from this ever so moist soil!!!! I have never appreciated the seasons this much! All I have to say... I love the sunshine, and miss it dearly!

2) I just purchased my flight to NY for March 23rd for my final TFA interview. Fingers and toes crossed!

3) I am also still in the running for teaching in South Korea! It is a program that would place me in a public school teaching English, sounds pretty neat! I finished my 13 page application, completed the phone interview, and got 2 letters of recommendation. Now begins the waiting game...

4) I am also applying to an internship program that is through STA travel, I heard about it a while back, and it is my dream job. NO JOKE. more updates to come : )

5) My host family is super, and things here are going really well. John is in a play called the "Jungle Bop" and he is a tiger. Gosh, he is just adorable! Kate just began acting class, and let me tell you, she could teach the classes! She is so expressive, dramatic, and just downright cute!!! Joy was asked by her piano teacher to play a song in front of the whole school for assembly tomorrow, and she has been practicing and doing well. All the kids are just super. Glory and Filip and doing well too, and are super kind, as always.

6) I am still loving my camera and taking pictures daily!

7) I am patiently awaiting Kellie & Jessica's arrival in late February, it will be such a great blessing to be able to see them both! I miss them dearly!!!

8) As of February 5th, I will only have 4 months left in Europe, so come visit me soon ; )

9) My mom just booked her flight to come visit in the beginning of May, and she will be celebrating my 23rd birthday with me.... Europe style!! I cant wait to see her!!!!!!!! WOOOOOT WOOOOT!!

10) I miss you all dearly and I hope this mini update finds you all happy and healthy in this wonderful year of 2010!!!!

All my love ~ Chrissy


  1. I love the updates. Thanks. Hugs and can't wait until I get there. Rick Steves is having a special on Belgium tonight and next week his special is on Paris. Get out of the way EUROPE!!!

    Miss you loads, skype on Thursday?
