1) I love my family. It is so nice to be home for a while, and just spend time hanging out with my mom and dad. My mom has been teaching me how to cook, and we have been having "Date night" together when we just sit in the study room and read and eat popcorn. I love it. I also have enjoyed seeing my dad, we got haircuts together, and I was able to drive up to Flagstaff to see his new make-shift office in his house. In 7 days, I get to see my sister 1 last time before I move to Europe, and I am just delighted. I am glad she gets a few days off work so she can come play with me!!!
2) I miss my friends so much!!!! I realize that I really do enjoy AZ, but my heart is in California. I never realized how much my friends complete me, and now being home, it feels like a part of me is missing. I just wrote many 'goodbye' letters today, which I feel is a good form of showing gratitude. I don't think it's ever possible to say enough times that I appreciate and love my friends.
3) The night skies here are BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! I love the stars here :)
4) This is the first time I have been home since December, meaning this is the first time I have been home since Benji passed away. It breaks my heart. I come home and expect to see him, look for him at dinner to give him a treat, and feel like a part of my bed should be taken up by his cute, furry, little body. I still think about him everyday. He will always have a place in my heart.
5) I thought California was hot.............. I was wrong. Enough said.
6) I was under the impression that I didn't have many possessions. I sold just about everything on Craigslist, and gave the rest away. again. WRONG. I am now trying to pack, and realize just how much crap I really do have. I think I may just close my eyes and start throwing stuff into a suitcase. We'll see....
7) I leave in just 12 days. For me, this is really exciting, scary, and un-real. To sum it up, I am not ready to leave, but SO excited to go. It will be an adventure!
8) I miss work. I don't do well when I have a lot of time on my hands. I start to second guess myself and my life goals....
9) I applied to Teach for America again! Granted, this is only the first round, but I am already excited. Hopefully, if it is meant to be, I will be accepted into the program again.
10) Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. ~ much love ~
2) I miss my friends so much!!!! I realize that I really do enjoy AZ, but my heart is in California. I never realized how much my friends complete me, and now being home, it feels like a part of me is missing. I just wrote many 'goodbye' letters today, which I feel is a good form of showing gratitude. I don't think it's ever possible to say enough times that I appreciate and love my friends.
3) The night skies here are BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! I love the stars here :)
4) This is the first time I have been home since December, meaning this is the first time I have been home since Benji passed away. It breaks my heart. I come home and expect to see him, look for him at dinner to give him a treat, and feel like a part of my bed should be taken up by his cute, furry, little body. I still think about him everyday. He will always have a place in my heart.
5) I thought California was hot.............. I was wrong. Enough said.
6) I was under the impression that I didn't have many possessions. I sold just about everything on Craigslist, and gave the rest away. again. WRONG. I am now trying to pack, and realize just how much crap I really do have. I think I may just close my eyes and start throwing stuff into a suitcase. We'll see....
7) I leave in just 12 days. For me, this is really exciting, scary, and un-real. To sum it up, I am not ready to leave, but SO excited to go. It will be an adventure!
8) I miss work. I don't do well when I have a lot of time on my hands. I start to second guess myself and my life goals....
9) I applied to Teach for America again! Granted, this is only the first round, but I am already excited. Hopefully, if it is meant to be, I will be accepted into the program again.
10) Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. ~ much love ~
lovin you :) wish i were in sedona with you and your momma!