Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A Guide to a Happy Life

Hello friends!!

I received this small note card at the Presidential Scholar Luncheon last year, and have kept it in my wallet ever since. I constantly read it, and wanted to share it with others.

A Guide to a Happy Life (Anonymous)

No one will ever get out of this world alive. Resolve therefore, to maintain a core sense of values. Take care of yourself. Good health is everyone's major source of wealth. Without it, happiness is almost impossible. Resolve to be cheerful and helpful. People will repay you in kind. Avoid angry abusive persons. The are generally vengeful. Avoid zealots, they are generally humorless. Resolve to listen more and talk less. No one has ever learned anything from talking. Be careful about giving advice. Wise men don't need it and fools won't heed it. Resolve to be tender with the young and compassionate with the old. Be sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and the wrong. Sometime in your life you will have been all of these. Do not equate money with success. There are many successful money makers who are miserable failures as human beings. What counts the most about success is how a person achieves it.

Success (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

To laugh often and much.
To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children.
To earn the appreciation of critics and endure the betrayal of false friends.
To appreciate beauty, weather in a healthy child, a garden path, or a redeemed social condition.
To know even one life has breathed easier because you lived.

This is to have succeeded in life.

Small Updates on my life:

I just got back from a weekend in Berlin with Dani, and it was wonderful! I took a bus ride there, arrived Saturday morning, and walked all over the city! It was beautiful and full of positive energy! We went to the Eastside Gallery where the remains of the Berlin Wall is still standing, covered in unique paintings and murals of the victory of peace between the East and the West. We then grabbed coffee and people-watched all afternoon. We went to some small "markets" to look at artwork and jewelery, and walked near the TV tower to see the "iconic" symbol of advanced technology. Dani and I also visited Checkpoint Charlie and walked around the rest of the city. That night, we went to a nice birthday dinner for Dani (YAY being 23!!) and retired early! The next morning we went back into the city and walked around, visiting and walking around more museums and historical landmarks. We then grabbed more coffee and walked around the beautiful parks of Berlin!!!!! We got some candy and hot "glow-wine" - mulled red wine - to keep us warm, and parted our separate ways. It was a short but sweet weekend!

Next stop: Madrid!

ALSO: I just found out Amy Buchmann is coming for New Years!! YEAHHHHHHH!!!!!!

Jessica is coming the 4th of December, Amy the 28th of December, and JP the 13th of January! I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED!!!

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog!

All my love ~ Chrissy

1 comment:

  1. Sisser So:
    All things you mentioned above are true. You are learning so much about life and who you want to become. I applaude you. Great job. Enjoy Madrid. The friends coming to visit are all positive folks with your mindset. Enjoy and love you lots MADRE
